Saturday, July 8, 2023

What is a skull fracture?

 A skull fracture is a break in the cranial bone (skull) caused by a strong impact or blow to the head

 There are many types of skull fractures, but only one major cause: an impact or a blow to the head that's strong enough to break the bone
 Skull fractures can vary in severity, and the extent of the injury depends on the affected bone or bones, how deep the fracture is, and whether or not the fracture also affects the skin, blood vessels, sinuses, and mucous membranes
 The different types of skull fractures include:
  • Simple fracture: Where the skull fractures without damaging the skin.
  • Linear fracture: Where the fracture is one thin line with no additional lines splintering from it and no compression or distortion of the bones.
  • Depressed fracture: Where the skull is crushed inward, and pieces of skull press into the brain.
  • Basilar fracture: Where the fracture occurs at the base of the skull, which can cause cerebrospinal fluid to leak from the nose or ears
Symptoms of a skull fracture can include confusion, dizziness, poor memory, feeling very tired, headache, swelling on the head, bleeding from the head, nausea, and vomiting
 In case of an urgent concern or emergency or if you believe you have a skull fracture, call 911 or go to the nearest emergency department right away
For most skull fractures, treatment consists of close observation in the hospital and medication to relieve pain during the healing process
 However, some skull fractures require surgery
 The goal of skull fracture treatment is to control pain, promote healing, and prevent complications
 For most skull fractures, which are linear fractures, surgical intervention is not needed. Instead, physicians prescribe medication to control pain and maintain close observation in the hospital
 Surgery may be needed to repair compound fractures, comminuted fractures, and some types of closed fractures, and also to stitch up any tears in the dura mater and scalp
 Healing time for a skull fracture depends on the type of fracture and its severity. Skull fractures can take three to six months to heal completely
To prevent skull fractures, it is important to wear protective gear when participating in sports, to wear a seatbelt while driving, and to wear a helmet when riding a bike or motorcycle

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