Saturday, August 19, 2023

How large is the population of immigrants in Europe?

 According to the European Commission

, in 2021, 2.3 million immigrants came to the EU from non-EU countries, and 1.4 million people previously residing in one EU Member State migrated to another Member State. This makes a total of 3.7 million arrivals as a result of international immigration in 2021. On the other hand, about 1.1 million people emigrated from the EU to a country outside the EU, and more than 1.2 million moved from an EU country to another EU country in 2021. The total number of unauthorized immigrants in Europe was estimated to be between 3.9 million and 4.8 million in 2017
White supremacists fear that changing demographics and increased immigration are destroying white European culture
 They assert that whites will soon be minorities in traditionally white nations and immediate action is needed to stop these ethnic and cultural changes. However, these fears are not based on reality, as the immigrant population in Europe is still a minority
 The anti-immigrant rhetoric of white supremacists and other right-wing hate groups creates an environment that is hospitable to anti-immigrant anger and fear

The population of Europe is about 747 million people. The immigrant population in Europe is estimated to be around 79 million people, or about 10% of the total population.

There are many reasons why white supremacists hate immigrants. Some of these reasons include:

  • They believe that immigrants are taking jobs away from native-born Europeans.
  • They believe that immigrants are a drain on the economy.
  • They believe that immigrants are a threat to the cultural and religious identity of Europe.
  • They believe that immigrants are criminals and terrorists.

It is important to note that these fears are not based on reality. Immigrants are not taking jobs away from native-born Europeans. In fact, immigrants often create jobs and contribute to the economy. Immigrants are also not a drain on the economy. They pay taxes and contribute to social security just like everyone else. And while there are some immigrants who commit crimes, the vast majority are law-abiding citizens.

The fears of white supremacists are not real. They are based on prejudice and hatred, not on facts.

Here are some additional information about immigrants in Europe:

  • The largest immigrant groups in Europe are from Turkey, Morocco, and Poland.
  • The most common reasons for immigrating to Europe are to find work, to reunite with family, and to escape war or persecution.
  • Immigrants are more likely to be young and have a higher level of education than the native-born population.
  • Immigrants are an important part of the European economy and society. They contribute to the workforce, pay taxes, and help to create jobs.

It is important to remember that immigrants are people just like everyone else. They deserve to be treated with respect and dignity. We should not allow the fears of white supremacists to divide us.

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