Tuesday, August 29, 2023

how should monitor for recycled UETRs?

 To monitor for recycled UETRs in SWIFT Alliance, you can use the UETR recycling prevention measures implemented by SWIFT. SWIFT monitors monthly the transaction owners who fail the validation rules and informs customers via email or Service Manager from May until November 2021

 Additionally, SWIFT has implemented a new rule to identify transaction owners and a NAK rule to reject payment messages that contain reused UETRs
 SWIFT also logs any occurrences of UETR recycling and alerts customers
 To avoid UETR recycling issues, it is advised to follow market practices and guidelines provided by SWIFT
The UETR is generated automatically by SWIFT Alliance when a payment message is created. For customers using Alliance Entry and Alliance Access (as of version 7.2.5), functionality is built into the software to automatically generate a UETR in the header block 3 of the payment message
 The UETR is a string of 36 unique characters featured in all payment instruction messages carried over SWIFT
 It is designed to act as a single source of truth for a payment and provide complete transparency for all parties in a payment chain, as well as enable functionality from SWIFT gpi, such as the payment Tracker

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