Sunday, September 10, 2023

What is the Islamic view on forced marriages?

 Forced marriage is not allowed in Islam. Both the groom and the bride must consent to the marriage, and the consent of the woman is essential and must be obtained

 There are hadiths that provide evidence that forced marriage was not allowed. For example, one hadith states that "a woman (whether she is a virgin, divorced, or a widow) cannot be married to anyone until her permission is sought"
 Reports of Muhammad's marriage to Aisha and of his companions marrying off their minor daughters played a role in some jurist opinions, but most modern Muslim majority countries have made child marriage and forced marriage illegal
 Forced marriage is different from arranged marriage, where both the bride and groom consent to marry the person suggested to them by their families
 Forced marriage occurs in many communities and societies and religions around the world, but it is not acceptable or valid according to the Qur'an
 In summary, Islam prohibits forced marriages and considers them unacceptable and invalid.

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