Friday, October 27, 2023

Why did Hamas build tunnels?

 Hamas has built a vast network of tunnels under the Gaza Strip for several strategic reasons.

  1. Protection and Mobility: The tunnels provide a means for Hamas fighters to protect themselves against Israeli offensives, maneuver undetected below the surface, and launch surprise attacks before returning to the security of the tunnels
     They also allow Hamas leaders and fighters to remain mobile and escape entire sections of the combat area when they feel they are about to be decisively attacked or surrounded
  2. Storage and Barracks: The tunnels are used to store weapons and supplies, and to house Hamas fighters
     They also contain larger rooms used to store weaponry and house Hamas leaders
  3. Smuggling: The tunnels are used to smuggle goods and contraband
     Originally, tunnels dug in Gaza were used for smuggling goods in and out of Egypt to circumvent an Israeli blockade
  4. Guerrilla Warfare Strategy: The tunnels are a vital element of Hamas's guerrilla warfare strategy. Hamas fighters form small hunter-killer teams that move underground, pop up, strike, and pop quickly back into a tunnel
  5. Hostage Holding: Hostages are also held in the tunnels
  6. Infrastructure: The tunnels are equipped with electricity and even bathrooms of some sort
     Most of the tunnels are reinforced with concrete and some are quite deep, allowing them to protect Hamas militants against airstrikes
The tunnels pose a significant challenge for the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) due to their extensive and intricate nature. They are often referred to as the "Gaza Metro" due to their extensive reach
 The IDF has worked to dismantle the network, particularly the tunnels that crossed the border into its territory, in part by use of sensors meant to detect tunneling
 However, the depth and scale of Hamas tunnels in Gaza surpass Israel’s specialized capabilities
It's important to note that the construction of these tunnels has been criticized, with Israel accusing Hamas of diverting concrete meant for civilian and humanitarian purposes toward the construction of tunnels
 Critics also argue that the group’s massive expenditures on tunnels could have instead paid for civilian bomb shelters or early warning networks

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