Sunday, February 4, 2024

what is the current state of islam in portugal?

 The current state of Islam in Portugal reflects a small but diverse and well-integrated Muslim community within a predominantly Christian majority country. According to the 2021 census, Muslims represent around 0.4% of the total population, with the Muslim population in 2019 estimated at approximately 65,000 people

 This community is primarily Sunni, with a significant Shia minority, including 20,000 to 22,000 Ismaili Muslims
The origins of the Muslim population in Portugal are varied, with many coming from the Middle East, the Maghreb region, Mozambique, and Bangladesh. A portion of the community also traces its roots back to the former Portuguese overseas provinces
 Despite the historical challenges, including the expulsion of Muslims during the period of the Reconquista and the Edict of Expulsion in 1497, today's Muslim community in Portugal enjoys the freedom to practice their religion, convert, and build mosques, thanks to the secular nature of the Constitution of Portugal
The integration of Muslims into Portuguese society is highlighted by their diverse origins, including former Portuguese colonies such as Guinea-Bissau, and their familiarity with the language and culture. This integration is facilitated by the community's efforts to learn the language and participate in the broader society, avoiding the formation of isolated ghettos
 The Muslim leaders in Portugal express confidence in the community's integration and do not seem worried about the rise of anti-Islam sentiments, as exemplified by the Chega party's rhetoric. This confidence is attributed to the well-integrated status of Muslims in Portugal, contrasting with the situation in some other European countries
Relations within the Muslim community, including between Sunni and Shia leaders, are described as excellent, indicating a cohesive and supportive religious environment
 This positive internal dynamic contributes to the community's resilience in the face of challenges and its ability to maintain a peaceful and productive presence in Portugal.In summary, the current state of Islam in Portugal is characterized by a small, diverse, and well-integrated Muslim community that enjoys religious freedom and positive relations both within its own ranks and with the broader Portuguese society.

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